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Mister John’s Music specializes in group instrument classes for kids, creating an inclusive and supportive group environment run by qualified, dedicated instructors – all with the goal of making learning a musical instrument fun!  In addition to musical knowledge and skill-building, classes at MJM boost your child’s confidence to perform in front of a group and participate in a team alongside peers who share their interests.  And they’re less expensive than private lessons!  Currently Mister John’s Music offers group classes in guitar, piano, ukulele, percussion, and choir.  Kids group classes are 1 hour long and begin on weekdays at either 3:50pm or 5pm (see below).  For weekend times, just scroll down!  

For a VISUAL GROUP CLASS SCHEDULE for the Fall Session – just click HERE! 

If none of these options work for you, or if private lessons are more your child’s speed, head over HERE!

“Sounds good to me but we really need School Pick-up and After School Care as well… Do you offer that?”

While all of our families want our kids to develop a life-long love of their chosen instrument, we know that many families have after-school care needs as well.  Don’t worry!  MJM staff. in partnership with Coco Academy, can pick up your child immediately after school (available at CCCS, Meredith, McCall, Nebinger, Vare-Washington, Fanny Jackson Coppin, and Independence Charter School) and escort them to our studio.  There’s time for snacks (from home) and socialization while we wait for all of our kids to arrive.  Then it’s off to their instrument class or you can enroll your child in After School Care. 

“What happens during After School Care, Mister John?” 

If you need coverage before or after your child’s instrument class, we have options for you!  Register your child for a 3:50pm instrument class and a 5pm After School Care or vice versa!   Your child will have the opportunity to participate in one of our non-musical activities (Visual Arts, Drama Games, Yoga, etc.) or there will be a homework station for kids who want to get a jump on schoolwork or just relax and read a book.  Just note, no screens at MJM.  Sorry, kids.

“OK I’m sold.  Now, how do I do this…” 

During our registration process, after choosing your child’s instrument class, you can “Enroll Student in Another Program” and by adjusting the “Class Type” you have the option to choose a School Pick-Up, After School Care, or even an additional day of programming!  If you signup for a 5pm class and add School Pick-up, be sure to sign up for a 3:50pm slot in After School Care, or, if your child is 8+, you an have the option for an additional instrument class at 3:50pm!



Kids’ Instrument Program 2025-26 Fall Session (17 weeks) runs 8/25/25-12/21/25.
Kids’ Instrument Program 2025-26 Winter/Spring Session (22 weeks) runs 1/5/26-6/12/26. 

Classes are held both in our 761 S 8th Street and 904 S 9th Street locations.
There WILL be classes on Labor Day (Monday 9/1/25), MLK Day (1/19/26), Presidents’ Day (2/16/26) and Memorial Day (5/25/26).
There WILL NOT be classes on the Thursday and Friday of Thanksgiving (11/27/25-11/28/25), or during Spring Break (3/30/26-4/5/26).
Pick-ups are available from CCCS, Meredith, McCall, Nebinger, Fanny Jackson Coppin, Vare-Washington and Independence Charter School*.  We require at least three students at any given school on that day of programming – so invite friends from school to join!
On days when there is early dismissal or school is cancelled, there will be no pick-up (*except for Wednesdays at ICS – in this case, Coco Academy offers an add-on for 1:00-3:45pm – available on their website!)
5yo students must be enrolled in kindergarten (or a kindergarten equivalent home-schooling program) to enroll in MJM Kids classes, with the exception of Intro to Piano.

COSTS (prorated for classes that fall on studio holidays):
17-week Class Cost – $488.75
17-week Pick-Up Cost – $110
17-week After School Care Cost – $425

Payment plans available. Non-refundable deposit of $200/per class/after-care. Remaining balance is spread out over two payments charged on September 22 and October 20.  Pick-Up Costs due at time of enrollment.

You will receive an email  regarding your child’s class options.

By enrolling in Mister John’s Music Kids Instrument Programs, you agree with the Mister John’s Music TERMS & CONDITIONS &PRIVACY POLICY.
There are no make-ups for our Kids Instrument Programs.

(5+ YEARS)

“Sing… sing a song… make it simple… make it strong…”  Does your child know the lyrics to Hamilton backwards and forwards? Do you catch her/him/them making up songs all the time? Do they sing incessantly? If so, this is the group for your child. In class, students will learn vocal techniques and how to read music, build musical literacy, and sing their hearts out. We’ll focus on singing in tune, melodies and harmonies, and all of the different ways we can use our voices to express ourselves. There will be group-singing (after all, music is a team sport) and solo-singing (to develop vocal confidence and individuality.)




TEEN CHOIR (13-18yo)

Register for Kids/Teen Choir Classes

(5+ YEARS)

Our youngest instrument class combines hands-on guitar instruction with games and exercise designed to kinesthetically activate early music literacy.  We want your child’s first musical experience to be FUN! Students enrolled in this class are not required to have an instrument at home. To be eligible to enroll in the Intro to Guitar class, students must turn 4yo during or before the first session they are enrolled in.  

No Classes Currently Listed

Philly’s most fun kids/teens guitar classes! An introduction to an instrument in a non-threatening, non-competitive manner.  Mister John’s motto is “Instruments are meant to be played.  PLAYED not practiced!”  In our very first class, we’ll explore how the guitar is constructed, how it produces sound, how to hold it, tune it, and play it.  We’ll discuss the basics of music theory – notes, rests, melody, chords, dynamics, tempo, pitch – and we’ll learn about music as a group sport.  We’ll compose our own songs, learn some folk standards, and pull from the students’ favorites to develop new skills and exercise our personal musical voices.  It’s about the guitar, yes, but also about encouraging your child to express him or herself through the arts and to develop a lifelong love of music. While guitars will be provided at the studio, students are required to have their own guitar to play at home (for younger students – consider a 1/2 or 3/4 sized guitar.)  

At MJM we use FJH books as part of our guitar instruction. We pre-purchase these and sell them to you at cost when you register for your class.  Books are given out at the first class. 

LEVEL 1 – MONDAYS @ 3:50PM (5-7yo) – (Mister Bobby) – Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – MONDAYS @ 5PM (8-11yo) – (Mister Bobby) – Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – WEDNESDAYS @ 3:50PM (8-11yo) – (Mister Diego) Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – THURSDAYS @ 5PM (5-7yo)  – (Mister Daniel) Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – SATURDAYS @ 1:45PM (5-11yo) – (Mister Emmett)
Brand-New Beginners!

FRIDAYS @ 3:50PM (12-15yo) – (Mister Diego) Brand-New Beginners!
FRIDAYS @ 5PM (16-18yo) – (Mister Diego) Brand-New Beginners!

A continuation for kids who have already been studying with us, this class picks up right where we left off.  New chords, new skills, new games, new songs to help students excel at something they’re already enjoying! These classes are by invitation, however, if you’re interested in your child joining one of these classes but she/he has never taken a class with us, just email us to set-up an assessment!  While guitars will be provided at the studio, students are required to have their own 1/2 or 3/4 size guitar to play at home.

Continuing Beginners – WEDNESDAYS @ 3:45PM (6-8yo) – (Mister Daniel) – Invitation Only for continuing students
Continuing Beginners – WEDNESDAYS @ 5PM (9-11yo) – (Mister Daniel) – Invitation Only for continuing students
Continuing Beginners – SATURDAYS @ 12:45PM (5-10yo) – (Mister Emmett) – Invitation Only for continuing students

Advanced Beginners – TUESDAYS @ 3:50PM (6-8yo) (Mister Emmett) – Invitation Only for continuing students

For our kids who’ve been taking for a couple of years.  We’re attacking bar chords, more complex melody lines, improvisation skills, and more!  Again, if you’re interested in your child joining one of these classes but she/he has never taken a class with us, just email us to set-up an assessment!  While guitars will be provided at the studio, students are required to have their own 1/2 or 3/4 size guitar to play at home.

Intermediate 1 TUESDAYS @ 5PM (7-11yo) – (Mister Emmett) – Invitation Only for continuing students
Intermediate 1 FRIDAYS @ 5PM (8-10yo) – (Mister Daniel)
– Invitation Only for continuing students
Intermediate 2 MONDAYS @ 3:50PM (7-11yo) – (Mister Emmett) – Invitation Only for continuing students
Intermediate 2
WEDNESDAYS @ 5PM – (Mister Diego)
– Invitation Only for continuing students

Register for Kids/Teen Guitar Classes

(5+ YEARS)

The same fun as our Kids Guitar classes,  except a smaller instrument! If your child has specifically sought out the ukulele as her/his instrument of choice, we’re ready to get her/him/them started on that journey. While ukuleles will be provided at the studio, students are required to have their own ukulele to play at home.

Beginning – LEVEL 1 – MONDAYS @ 5PM (5-10yo) – (Mister Daniel) Brand-New Beginners!
Continuing Beginners – THURSDAYS @ 3:50PM (6-11yo) – (Mister Daniel)Invitation Only for continuing students

Register for Kids Ukulele Classes

(5+ YEARS)


The rhythm is gonna get ya! In our percussion classes, students will get a taste of all different kinds of drumming – from djembes to drum-kits. It’s one great big drum circle, where students use beginning hand-drumming techniques and rudiments of percussion to build speed, control, coordination, and timing. In addition, students will learn how to read musical rhythms, subdivide beats and improvise their own accompaniment to their favorite songs. While a variety of percussion instruments will be provided at the studio, students should have a practice pad and set of drum sticks at home – something like this.

Beginning – LEVEL 1 – MONDAYS @ 3:50PM (5-10yo) – (Mister Max)  Brand-New Beginners!
Continuing Beginners –
MONDAYS @ 5PM (5-10yo) – (Mister Max) Invitation Only for continuing students

Register for Kids Percussion Classes

(4+ YEARS)

Our youngest instrument class combines hands-on piano instruction with games and exercise designed to kinesthetically activate early music literacy.  We want your child’s first musical experience to be FUN! Students enrolled in this class are not required to have an instrument at home. To be eligible to enroll in the Intro to Piano class, students must turn 4yo during or before the first session they are enrolled in.  

MONDAYS @ 3:50PM (4yo) – (Miss Leah) Brand-New Beginners!
SATURDAYS @ 12PM (4yo) – (Teacher Kiley) Brand-New Beginners!
SUNDAYS @ 1PM (4yo) – (Miss Heather) Brand-New Beginners!

Where can you learn piano in a fun and social group setting here in Philadelphia? So many young musicians start their journey on the piano, but it’s rare that they are given an opportunity right off the bat to learn this instrument in a group setting. Before your child graduates to individual lessons, start him or her off on the right foot in this class. A gentle entryway into all things piano, in this class no more than eight students will work on musical theory concepts together through games and activities and then will have individual time at a keyboard with headphones while teachers rotate amongst the kids to give one-on-one instruction. At the end of class, the headphones come off and we’ll play and sing together again. Keyboards and headphones will be provided at the studio.

At MJM we use Faber Piano books as part of our piano instruction. We pre-purchase these and sell them to you at cost when you register for your class.  Books are given out at the first class. 

LEVEL 1 – MONDAYS @ 3:50PM (5-7yo) – (TBD) Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – WEDNESDAYS @ 3:50PM (8-11yo) – (Doctor Timothy)Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – THURSDAYS @ 3:50PM (5-7yo) – (Teacher Kiley) – Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – THURSDAYS @ 5PM (8-11yo) – (Teacher Kiley) – Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – FRIDAYS @ 3:50PM (5-7yo) – (Miss Liss) Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – FRIDAYS @ 5PM (8-11yo) – (Doctor Timothy)Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – SATURDAYS @ 2PM (5-10yo) – (Miss Heather)Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – SUNDAYS @ 2PM (5-7yo) – (Miss Heather) Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 2 – TUESDAYS @ 3:50PM (5-7yo) – (Miss Heather) Invitation Only for continuing students
LEVEL 2 – FRIDAYS @ 3:50PM (6-11yo) – (Doctor Timothy) -Invitation Only for continuing students

LEVEL 1 – WEDNESDAYS @ 5PM (12-15yo) – (TBD) – Brand-New Beginners!
LEVEL 1 – WEDNESDAYS @ 5PM (16-18yo) – (TBD) – Brand-New Beginners!

For our continuing students.  These classes are by invitation, however, if your child has had some previous piano instruction and would like to join our program, please email me at [email protected] for an assessment!

Continuing Beginners – TUESDAYS @ 3:50PM (6-10yo) – (Miss Liss) Invitation Only for continuing students
Continuing Beginners – WEDNESDAYS @ 5PM (5-10yo) – (Doctor Timothy) Invitation Only for continuing students
Continuing Beginners – THURSDAYS @ 5PM (6-11yo) – (Doctor Timothy) Invitation Only for continuing students
Continuing Beginners – FRIDAYS @ 5PM (6-11yo) – (Miss Liss) Invitation Only for continuing students
Continuing Beginners – SATURDAYS @ 3PM (6-10yo) – (Miss Liss) Invitation Only for continuing students

Advanced Beginners – TUESDAYS @ 5PM (7-10yo) – (TBD)  Invitation Only for continuing students
Advanced Beginners – TUESDAYS @ 5PM (7-10yo) – (Miss Liss) Invitation Only for continuing students


For our kids who’ve been taking for a couple of years and are crushing it.  

Intermediate 1 – TUESDAYS @ 5PM (8-11yo) – (Miss Heather)  Invitation Only for continuing students

Intermediate 1 – THURSDAYS @ 5PM (8-11yo) – (Miss Liss)  Invitation Only for continuing students
Intermediate 2 – WEDNESDAYS @ 3:50PM (8+) – (Doctor Steve) Invitation Only for continuing students


Register for Kids/Teen Piano Classes